Ciao di nuovo! Il post di oggi riguarderà le personalità importanti degli anni '60. Non darò giudizi né farò commenti su di loro. Mostrerò solo alcune foto e scriverò qualcosa in proposito. :)
JFK - John Fitzgerald Kennedy (35° USA President)
1917 - 1963 After his death he was succeeded by the vicepresident Lyndon Johnson.
He's the first US president who was born in the 20th century.
He was assassinated in 1963 by Lee Harvey Oswald.
Dopo la sua morte venne succeduto dal vicepresidente Lyndon Johnson.
E' il primo presidente USA ad essere nato nel 20° secolo.
E' stato assassinato nel 1963 da Lee Harvey Oswald.
Lyndon B. Johnson - (36° USA President)
1908 - 1973 He was Kennedy's vicepresident, so after his death he became president until 1969.
Era il vicepresidente di Kennedy, quindi dopo la sua morte divenne presidente fino al 1969.
He was born in Texas, in a town called Johnson after his grandfather who was a cowboy
E' nato in Texas, in un paese che aveva preso il nome da suo nonno che era un cowboy.
He was president during the Vietnam war.
Era presidente durante la guerra del Vietnam.
Jacqueline Lee Bouvier (Jackie Kennedy - Jackie O) - US First Lady
1929 - 1994 She was married to the US president Kennedy, after his murder she married Aristotle Onassis.
Era sposata con il presidente USA Kennedy, dopo il suo assassinio sposò Aristotele Onassis.
The couple "Jack&Jackie" had 4 children, but only 2 of them survived: Caroline and John Jr.
La coppia "Jack&Jackie" ebbe 4 figli, ma solo 2 di loro sopravvissero: Caroline e Jonh Jr.
Josip Broz "Tito" - First president of Jugoslavia from '53 to '80.
1892 - 1980 He was born in today's Croatia and he was the 7th of 15 children.
E' nato nell'odierna Croazia ed era il settimo di 15 figli.
He fought in the 1st and the 2nd World War.
Ha combattuto in entrambe le guerre mondiali.
Ernesto "Che" Guevara - Argentine Revolutionary

1928 - 1967 He was also a physician, an autor and a guerrilla leader.
E' stato anche un medico, un autore e un guerrigliero/rivoluzionario.
He was executed in 1967, aged 39.
E' stato condannato a morte e ucciso nel 1967, all'età di 39 anni.
Fidel Castro - President of Cuba from 1959 to 2008.
He was born in 1926.
E' nato nel 1926.
He had 638 assassination attempts.
Ha subìto 638 attentati alla persona.
Martin Luther King Jr. - US activist
1929 - 1968 He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.
Ha vinto il premio Nobel per la pace nel 1964.
He was assassinated and now he rests in the MLK National Historic Site together with his wife Coretta Scott.
E' stato assassinato e ora riposa nel MLK National Historic Site vicino a sua moglie Coretta Scott.
Mao Tse-tung/ Mao Zedong - China president from 1943 to 1976.
1893 - 1976
He founded the popular republic of China.
Ha fondato la repubblica popolare cinese.
He is both called Mao Tse-tung and Mao Zedong.
E' chiamato Mao Tse-tung ma anche Mao Zedong.
Nikita Krusciov - USSR Leader from '53 to '64.
1894 - 1971
He was succeeded Stalin.
Ha succeduto Stalin.
He learnt to read at the age of 30.
Ha imparato a leggere all'età di 30 anni.
Spero che questo brevissimo riassunto sia stato interessante!
I hope that this very short post about a biiig topic has been interesting!
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